===== OpenSolaris ===== ==== Installation ==== ==== Administration ==== * Package Manager is the program "packagemanager" and requires an X connection. Try using SUDO or pfexec. * pkg program is the non-X11 version of packagemanager. The manual page is useful. * pkg search SPEC will hopefully get you a package name, SUNWpackagename, which can be used with pkg to install what you'd like, i.e., pkg install SUNWpackagename The package manager on t1k1 is called, mysteriously, "packagemanager". It will want an X11 display in order to run, so you'll need PuTTY/SSH and a machien that comprehends X. If you'd like to run the package manager from the command line (easier, probably), the command is "pkg". To find a package you want, you can use "pkg search [searchspec]" i.e., "pkg search dungeon" produces the following output: > INDEX ACTION VALUE PACKAGE > basename file usr/lib/nethack/dungeon pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.98 > basename file usr/lib/nethack/dungeon pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.91 > basename file usr/lib/nethack/dungeon pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.101 > basename file usr/lib/nethack/dungeon pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.101 > basename file usr/lib/nethack/dungeon pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.99 > [...] to install the package you would then run: sudo pkg install SUNWnethack The pkg manpage appears to be useful and descriptive.