===== Owl.cs.wpi.edu ===== Owl.cs.wpi.edu is the main department fileserver, providing all user files on "general access" cs machines like [[cs.wpi.edu]] and [[csopt4.cs.wpi.edu]]. Similarly it provides user files to many other machines that SERVE cs user files, like [[web.cs.wpi.edu]], [[samba.cs.wpi.edu]] (aka csshare.cs.wpi.edu) and [[csutil1.cs.wpi.edu]]. Owl serves files to more than just the machines llisted above though. It also stores user files from * [[sequoia.wpi.edu]] (user files) * [[davis.wpi.edu]] (user files) * [[pjc1.cs.wpi.edu]] (user files for a project VM) * [[ubumirror.cs.wpi.edu]] (package files and ISOs for the departmental Ubuntu mirror) * [[cs-vm1.cs.wpi.edu]] (VM disk images and configs) * [[cs-vm2.cs.wpi.edu]] (VM disk images and configs) * [[eressea.wpi.edu]] (VM disk images and configs) * [[fossilvm.cs.wpi.edu]] (VM disk images and configs) Downtime on owl.cs.wpi.edu will affect all the above machines in a major negative fasion, so take care in making changes to owl. Don't add services to it unless they are necessary; don't load it with processing tasks. Pay attention if it has disk issues.