====== Printing troubleshooter ====== ==== Incorrect or changed header/banner sheets from the printers? ==== At times you'll notice that the printer header sheets (these are called "banner pages" in CUPS parlance) randomly change to a new format. Usually important information like **who printed the job** and other things disappear from the banner page. The cause for this is **most likely** a software update on the CUPS server, cups.cs.wpi.edu. You can repair the banner sheets by logging into cups.cs.wpi.edu and going to the directory /usr/share/cups/banners. You'll find, most likely, that the file /usr/share/cups/banners/standard has been changed and is no longer the same as the file /usr/share/cups/banners/standard-WPICS-CURRENT. Rename the existing file "standard" to some other filename: mv standard standard-original-YYYYMMDD and then copy the WPICS standard page so that it gets used instead: cp standard-WPICS-CURRENT standard This should cure the banner-sheet problem. ===== Conditions needed for printing to function ===== For printing to work, a few things need to be true. * For UNIX printing to work, the CUPS server must be running on [[lpd.cs.wpi.edu]]. This can be checked by connecting your web-browser to https://lpd.cs.wpi.edu:631/ . If you get no response to your connection, the CUPS server is down and needs to be restarted. * In the old days, you needed to be on the CS Domain, but this may not be the case anymore as we don't use samba-sharing of printers, we connect directly using LPD. This should change at some point if possible. * And of course the basics: network, nameservice, etc etc are a bonus if you want to get anything accomplished. ===== From a Windows PC ===== [John probably is better at writing this troubleshooting section] ==== On the CS Domain ==== * Are the printers added? Check to see if they're there at all! If not, use quick add printer script from [[samba_print_queues#printer_adding_procedure|here]]. Does samba adding of printers FUNCTION anymore? --mvoorhis 22 March 2012 ==== Windows PC Not on the CS Domain ==== See [[non_domain_win_printer_access|printer adding technique]] for non-domain machines. This works for both XP and Vista machines, allegedly. ===== From a UNIX machine ===== * are printers setup? Look at /etc/printcap, which will exist with either CUPS or LPD. If this file is empty or your printer isn't in this file, that explains your printing problem. See [[unix_printer_access|the page for adding printers to unix machines.]] * is a printer daemon (LPD, CUPS) running? run "ps auxw" and look for root-owned process called "lpd" or "cupsd" in the output. If neither one is there, you are not running a printer daemon and this may be your problem. The daemon can be started usually by running "/etc/init.d/lpd start" or "/etc/init.d/cups start" or something similar. Sometimes instead of "/etc/init.d" the directory containing start-scripts is "/etc/rc.d". ===== From the print server itself ===== If Nagios is telling you that the CUPS server is unresponsive, the CUPS web-interface won't work. You'll need to SSH into the print server and restart the cups daemon by hand. Restart everything: ==== RESTARTING EVERYTHING ==== If it looks like lpd and samba are running but things are still hokey, try restarting everything. on lpd.cs.wpi.edu: sudo service cups stop sudo service cups start sudo service smbd stop sudo service nmbd stop sudo service nmbd start sudo service smbd start