===== Uploading an image of a machine to the image server. ===== ==== Starting off. ==== OK. You've got a built up, completely updated, defragmented PC. We're going to upload this beast to the image server to that other machines can benefit from your hard work. ==== Drivers updated? ==== We'd like new images to function on as many PCs as possible, so make sure (as mentioned in [[old_image_update|the instructions for updating old images]]) that you update our driver listing to include machines that have shown up in the department since the time the last image was created. ==== Drivers, and SYSPREP ==== **sysprep is required for uploading an image even if you don't care about having up to date drivers.** Grab a copy of the SYSPREP dir from \\rous\ghost and put the copy in c:\sysprep . Remember to unmount the \\rous\ghost share from the PC once you've done your copy! Using StartMenu -> Run, run c:\sysprep\spdrvscan.exe (this is the "sysprep Driver Scanner" program). For more information on spdrvscan, [[http://www.vernalex.com/tools/spdrvscn/index.shtml|see the author's page for the package.]] Follow the [[spdrvscan_usage|directions for using SPDRVSCAN]]. Once you're done enumerating the drivers on your image, you're ready to use [[sysprep_usage|sysprep]] to finalize your work. Use GHOST to upload an image of the finished machine to the server, and you're done! (or, you're ready to teswt your image on a new machine and start debugging it, anyway).