=====Turnin problems.===== Confusingly there are two TURNIN programs in use in the department, so when people report problems with TURNIN, the first question is: which one is the person talking about. The first TURNIN is a UNIX command-line program, which runs on CCC Unix machines. this one is sometimes called UNIX turnin, or command-line turnin. The second one is a service that runs on a webserver. This one is commonly called "web turnin". Usually this question is answered for you by the request itself. For instance if a person says that they cannot "connect" to the turnin server, they're probably talking about the web version. ===Web Turnin=== THis service runs on a webserver on the machine turnin.cs.wpi.edu. Thus there can be two potential problems: the machine can be dead or the webserver can be dead. It is not clear that the service starts automatically when the machine is rebooted. Click [[https://turnin.cs.wpi.edu:8088/|here]] to see if the turnin server is functioning. If it is, you should see a login screen asking for a password. If you do not, or you get an error page, then there's a problem. * SSH into the turnin machine and become root (command "sudo tcsh") * become the turnin user (command: "sudo su - turnin") * ./start-restart-turnin * check to make sure the process "racket startup.rkt" is running * the command "ps auxw | grep racket.startup" should show ONE COPY of turnin running (see sample output below). There should only be one line of "racket startup.rkt" output, **not two, not three... just one.** [turnin@turnin ~]$ ps auxw | grep racket.startup turnin 23297 15.7 8.6 233456 178460 pts/2 SNl 09:35 1:09 racket startup.rkt turnin 23727 0.0 0.0 6060 588 pts/2 SN+ 09:42 0:00 grep racket.startup * lastly, check for turnin function by following the link immediately above. **After a restart, it can take 2 minutes for the server to respond in your web browser. So do not be distressed if the turnin login-screen doesn't show up immediately after the program is restarted.** ===UNIX Turnin=== This depends on the CCC Unix machines being up (test this by tryiung to connect: "ssh ccc", if those machines are down, CCC needs to get 'em back up). If a person gets a message saying that they're not in a class, or if they're TAs and get a message saying they can't set/get a grade, they probably aren't in the staff or student lists for the course, which are stored under /cs/bin/tDir/[class]/[class]-staff and [class]-students.