
This machine is the department's most commonly used interactive login server. A “login server” means that people simply login there and do small tasks, like reading their email or editing files. This is distinct from a compute server which is used non-interactively for the most part–most of a compute machine's time is spent crunching long-running jobs.

cs.wpi.edu used to be named “csopt2.wpi.edu” until the previous cs.wpi.edu died and we used csopt2.wpi.edu to replace it.

cs.wpi.edu runs a relatively recent version of SuSE Linux and started being unstable in December of 2008. Voorhis believes it has bad RAM but the machine isn't being enough of a pain in the neck for him to take it down for a comprehensive check of its memory since it only dies once every few weeks.

cs.wpi.edu services

The two services above should be removed from cs.wpi.edu onto a dedicated server that does not accept user logins.