Distributed ssh attack protection?

Starting in summer 2009 WPICS started using a distributed ssh attack response. A central syslog host, receiving log data from many machines throughout the department, watches this log information for signs of an SSH attack. When a machine sending log information to this loghost is attacked, the loghost adds the attacker's IP address information to a blacklist which is then exportable to the rest of the department.

In a small number of minutes, the attacking host will be blacklisted from any UNIX machine in the department that takes a copy of the blacklist.

The files for executing this scheme are located on http://csutil1.cs.wpi.edu/ and are:

It is important that the machine running the updater and using the blacklist should also run NTPD, so that the updates happen at the correct time. Also the program “NTPTIME” should exist on the machine using this blacklisting technique.