Table of Contents




 The package manager on t1k1 is called, mysteriously,
 "packagemanager".  It will want an X11 display in order to run, so
 you'll need PuTTY/SSH and a machien that comprehends X.
 If you'd like to run the package manager from the command line
 (easier, probably), the command is "pkg".
 To find a package you want, you can use "pkg search [searchspec]"
 i.e., "pkg search dungeon" produces the following output:
 > INDEX      ACTION    VALUE                     PACKAGE
 > basename   file      usr/lib/nethack/dungeon   pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.98
 > basename   file      usr/lib/nethack/dungeon   pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.91
 > basename   file      usr/lib/nethack/dungeon   pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.101
 > basename   file      usr/lib/nethack/dungeon   pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.101
 > basename   file      usr/lib/nethack/dungeon   pkg:/SUNWnethack@3.4.3-0.99
 > [...]
 to install the package you would then run:
    sudo pkg install SUNWnethack
 The pkg manpage appears to be useful and descriptive.