Turnin problems.

Confusingly there are two TURNIN programs in use in the department, so when people report problems with TURNIN, the first question is: which one is the person talking about.

The first TURNIN is a UNIX command-line program, which runs on CCC Unix machines. this one is sometimes called UNIX turnin, or command-line turnin.

The second one is a service that runs on a webserver. This one is commonly called “web turnin”.

Usually this question is answered for you by the request itself. For instance if a person says that they cannot “connect” to the turnin server, they're probably talking about the web version.

Web Turnin

THis service runs on a webserver on the machine turnin.cs.wpi.edu. Thus there can be two potential problems: the machine can be dead or the webserver can be dead.

It is not clear that the service starts automatically when the machine is rebooted.

Click here to see if the turnin server is functioning. If it is, you should see a login screen asking for a password. If you do not, or you get an error page, then there's a problem.

      [turnin@turnin ~]$ ps auxw | grep racket.startup
      turnin   23297 15.7  8.6 233456 178460 pts/2   SNl  09:35   1:09 racket startup.rkt
      turnin   23727  0.0  0.0   6060   588 pts/2    SN+  09:42   0:00 grep racket.startup

UNIX Turnin

This depends on the CCC Unix machines being up (test this by tryiung to connect: “ssh ccc”, if those machines are down, CCC needs to get 'em back up).

If a person gets a message saying that they're not in a class, or if they're TAs and get a message saying they can't set/get a grade, they probably aren't in the staff or student lists for the course, which are stored under /cs/bin/tDir/[class]/[class]-staff and [class]-students.