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This Procedure does the following

  1. Create a user account (class dir for web page). In this example we will be using cs3516 for the account.
  2. Lock and Disable the account (no one uses it to login to)
  3. Edit /etc/group with the account info
  4. mkdir public_html and b09 (b09 will change per each account request)
  5. chmod and chown the dirs
  6. Test the web page or xxx.doc (by putting a .PDF or .doc file in b09)

Start of Procedure

cs> sudo adduser

jleveillee's password:

New username: cs3516

Prof Course Student

                  From /cs/src/util-local/mail/listMaker/students/combined-20091022-1324.bz2

No CCC account!

cs3516's UID number [18588]:

Enter cs3516's fullname[ ]:

                  Isn't   such a nice name?

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda2 4134932 1368676 665760 68% /

                   694552896 385881472 253107200  61% /export

/export/users1 has the most free space.

Put cs3516 where? [/export/users1] :

Added user cs3516.

Aging information changed.

Updated 'user must change password at next logon' for CS\cs3516 to yes

cs3516 (18588) created on /export/users1.

Passwd xxxxxxxxxx is in ~mvoorhis/work/newUsers/20091023

cs> sudo passwd -l cs3516

jleveillee's password:

Lock user cs3516.

cs> sudo smbpasswd -d cs3516

Disabled user cs3516.

cs> vi /etc/group

cs3516:*:1005:claypool ← add this line to group. The group number (1005) should be unique.

cs> sudo tcsh ← Become the root user ( be careful )

cs> cd /export/users1

Directory: /export/users1

cs> sudo chgrp cs3516 cs3516

jleveillee's password:


cs> sudo chmod 2775 cs3516

cs> ls -al cs3516

total 22

drwxrwsr-x 2 cs3516 cs3516 512 2009-10-23 10:35 .

cs> cd ~cs3516

cs> mkdir public_html

cs> cd public_html

cs> sudo mkdir b09

cs> sudo chmod 2775 b099

NOTE: If the read bit for user is turned off (chmod 2771 b09) drwxrws—x“

You will need to create a file in b09 called “index.html”.

This will prevet a the error “Forbidden” when going to this web site”.

cs> ls -al

total 12

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 2009-10-23 13:36 .

drwxr-xr-x 374 root root 6656 2009-10-23 13:35 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 2009-10-23 13:36 b09

cs> sudo chown claypool:cs3516 b09

cs> ls -al

total 12

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 2009-10-23 13:36 .

drwxr-xr-x 374 root root 6656 2009-10-23 13:35 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 claypool cs3516 512 2009-10-23 13:36 b09

Then you need to test it by moving a .PDF or .doc file with 644 permision and

and open a net browser and enter

Then open the file that .PDF or .doc file.

create_class_user_account.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/19 18:51 by jleveillee