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Build a new Fedora 10 machine for general CS Use.

Note well, Fedora 11 is now the current version of Fedora Linux as of 21 July 2009

  • Install Fedora 10 from “network install” CD. Use default disk partitioning, and add the “development” tools package. I believe that all other items are default (check!).
  • use NTP to set the clock. Add two ntp servers: and Set the machine to grab an initial date from NTP (it's a checkbox).
  • once mahcine has installed, rebooted etc start terminal, run this command (below) to add RPMFUSION.NET software repositories to the machine.
    su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
  • goto and add flash and adobe reader to the machine.
  • automate security updates: system→prefs→system→software updates, check for updates daily, and automatically install only security updates. Check for major upgrades weekly.
  • add software (see below)
  • enable denyhosts: system→administration→services; find “denyhosts” in the list on the left and enable the service. Then start a terminal, and run “sudo denyhosts-control start”
  • using the same services tool, enable nscd, the nameservice cache daemon, if it not already enabled.
  • add to /etc/hosts.allow:
     sshd: 130.215.* : ALLOW
  • add nullrelay file (/etc/mail/
     VERSIONID(`setup for linux')dnl
  • check /etc/hosts to make sure that entry looks like this, to prevent stupid “localhost.localdomain” header crap: hostname localhost
  • do CUPS printer setup. To fix Media Type and Input Tray stuff, run this for each printer:
    lpoptions -p [printer] -o MediaType=Letter -o InputSlot=Auto
  • witholding the “-p [printer]” and running the command without a printer name may change the global lp options, which might be a better idea.

Software to add to the built fedora box

In no particular order at all.

  • sudo (edit sudoers to allow wheelgroup access to sudo)
  • xterm
  • emacs-vm
  • alpine
  • xfig
  • sendmail-cf (for sendmail custoimizations)
  • uulib-devel
  • wireshark
  • xpdf
  • gvim (vim is std, but not graphical version)
  • gnuplot
  • denyhosts

Fedora 10 Online Documentation

cs_fedora10_box_build.txt · Last modified: 2009/07/21 13:24 by mvoorhis