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Making (and troubleshooting) New CCC accounts

THis page will list the requirements for getting a new hire a CCC account, and will try to make it easier to find out how far along a user is in getting (or being able to get) a CCC account.

When WPI decides to hire someone, that person will receive from the WPI Human Resources department something called a Hire Letter.

Inside this hire letter is welcome information and a number of forms for the hiree to sign and return.

Amongst these forms is a thing called a Personal Data Card. This card is filled out and sent to either the Human Resources (HR) or the Provost office (don't know which). Once the data arrives at WPI it finds it s way to the HR office, where it is transcribed into the BANNER database.

From there the data is uploaded (6.30AM apparently) into CCC's LDAP system.

  • this means that if you cannot search for a person in LDAP, their info hasn't been received and transcribed by HR, which almost always means that they have not sent in the data card.

Once the data makes it into LDAP, the CS Dept may file an Account Request Form (available at HR or CCC?) and get an account created.

new_ccc_account.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/23 18:19 by mvoorhis