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Setting up a new Resume Server.

Once more, a dump from email.

Nuke previous stuff and rebuild site:

cd resume && ./ initdb
cd resume && ./ create

Use the WPI pix in


Note well: The email address and name you select for the “main administrator” of the site will appear on all the site's outgoing emails, so don't make the main administrator you (i.e., not “Mike Voorhis” and “”) because applicants will be weirded out receiving application emails from mvoorhis. Instead make the site main administrator something along the lines of “WPI Computer Science Department” and use an appropriate email. There exist aliases in csmail's aliases file for this purpose: “” for instance.

The “system administrator email” can be mvoorhis@cs or system@cs or jleveillee@cs or whoever you want to get problem reports.

save the password you use for the “main administrator” account; you will need it to login to the finished site.

As root on the VM, run “apt-get clean” to get a bunch of diskspace back. Also you can remove just about all the old PDF UPLOADS from the resume user home directory. /home/resume/resume/uploads, I think it is? If you're going to empty the uploads area, do it BEFORE the resume server goes “live.”

edit the ~resume/.forward file to send email to whoever you want to be root/webmaster on the resume VM.

edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/resume.conf and make sure the ServerName and ServerAdmin entries are consistent with the hostname you've chosen for the machine.

Also (lastly?) edit /home/resume/resume/ and change the SERVER NAME at the top of the file, that will go on all the outgoing emails you send with invites etc, so if that hostname is wrong, lots of bad things will happen as the invitees are directed to the INCORRECT WEBSERVER.

resume_server_setup.txt · Last modified: 2011/11/03 15:54 by mvoorhis