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Uploading an image of a machine to the image server.

Starting off.

OK. You've got a built up, completely updated, defragmented PC. We're going to upload this beast to the image server to that other machines can benefit from your hard work.

Drivers updated?

We'd like new images to function on as many PCs as possible, so make sure (as mentioned in the instructions for updating old images) that you update our driver listing to include machines that have shown up in the department since the time the last image was created.

Drivers, and SYSPREP

sysprep is required for uploading an image even if you don't care about having up to date drivers.

Grab a copy of the SYSPREP dir from \\rous\ghost and put the copy in c:\sysprep . Remember to unmount the \\rous\ghost share from the PC once you've done your copy!

Using StartMenu → Run, run c:\sysprep\spdrvscan.exe (this is the “sysprep Driver Scanner” program). For more information on spdrvscan, see the author's page for the package. Follow the directions for using SPDRVSCAN.

Once you're done enumerating the drivers on your image, you're ready to use sysprep to finalize your work.

Use GHOST to upload an image of the finished machine to the server, and you're done! (or, you're ready to teswt your image on a new machine and start debugging it, anyway).

upload_ghost_image.txt · Last modified: 2009/03/19 18:02 by jleveillee